Friday, March 30, 2012


  • 6 colorful bell peppers
  •  chili peppers any variety any amount 
  • 1 bunch cilantro but parsley will work too.
  • 1 whole head garlic.
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 heaping tbsp cayenne red pepper (optional but darn healthy)
  • 1/2 -1 cup unpasteurized vinegar (optional)  I used my kombucha just because I have it in abundance.
Today as I was preparing a salsa (Dominican) style that I usually store in the fridge. It seemed like quite a bit for just me and I didn't want any to go to waste.  I wanted raw vegetables, so canning it was not an option today.  I wanted to save my raw food. Soon I was on another quest for knowledge, I happily went online. There it was, many sites on FERMENTED SALSA.   Of course I did my own thing, right? I washed, chopped and blended with one cup of kombucha vinegar. I added 2 tsp salt per quart. I used some today (yum), then  I set the rest of the jars in my "fermenting bucket",(6 gal bucket, holding my other ferments), in the dark and wait 3 days. It will be ready to use as a probiotic food that I can store it in the refrigerator for later use.  There it will slowly continue to ferment into a very healthier probiotic.  Now it can last a very long time, and I no longer have worries about spoilage.
The ph is at 3.0 because of the kombucha. Haha no chance of an unhealthy bacteria surviving this ph.  However, I have to check the ph again in three days because I don't want the ph to drop.  I might have to add some water to dilute this if it drops.  I think a ph of 4-5 will be good too. These already healthy vegetables to begin with are full of "phyto-nutrients as well as vitamins and minerals. Now in three days it will be ready and will have more probiotics than any yogurt around. Whoopie!  Another super food and I'm a happy camper.

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